How Has Your Mobile Productivity Changed in the Current Circumstance?

In this week’s show, we discuss how our mobile productivity usage was and has mobile productivity changed during the COVID-19 pandemic and how that may apply to your own personal productivity systems. (If you’re reading this in a podcast directory/app, please visit for clickable links and the full show notes and transcript of this cast.) Enjoy! Give us feedback! And, thanks for listening! If you’d like to continue discussing how has your mobile productivity changed from this episode, please click here to leave a comment down below (this jumps you to the bottom of the post). In this Cast Ray Sidney-Smith Augusto Pinaud Art Gelwicks Francis Wade Show Notes | How Has Your Mobile Productivity Changed in the Current Circumstance? Resources we mention, including links to them, will be provided here. Please listen to the episode for context. Coronavirus productivity data: How the pandemic is changing the way we use digital devices, apps, and tools Raw Text Transcript | How Has Your Mobile Productivity Changed in the Current Circumstance? Raw, unedited and machine-produced text transcript so there may be substantial errors, but you can search for specific points in the episode to jump to, or to reference back to at a later date and time, by keywords or key phrases. The time coding is mm:ss (e.g., 0:04 starts at 4 seconds into the cast’s audio). Read More Voiceover Artist 0:00 Are you ready to manage your work and personal world better to live a fulfilling productive life, then you’ve come to the right place productivity cast, the weekly show about all things productivity. Here, your host Ray Sidney-Smith and Augusto Pinaud with Francis Wade and Art Gelwicks. Raymond Sidney-Smith 0:17 And Welcome back, everybody to productivity cast, the weekly show about all things personal productivity, I’m Ray Sidney Smith. Augusto Pinaud 0:19 I am Augusto Pinaud. Francis Wade 0:21I’m Francis Wade. Art Gelwicks 0:25 And I’m Art Gelwicks. Raymond Sidney-Smith 0:27Welcome, gentlemen, and welcome to our listeners to this episode of productivity cast. Today, what we’re going to be doing is talking about how mobile really has changed how you’ve been affected how mobile has changed in and around the current circumstance of the Coronavirus and the covid 19 pandemic, really. And what we’d like to do is talk about early on in the pandemic, as well as our current status. And to talk a little bit about how mobile is a part of your system, kind of going into the future, how you’re going to make it a part or not make it a part of your system, and how we’re really approaching those pieces in our own productivity systems. And then I’d like to close us out with thinking about how kind of philosophically maybe mobile technology, whether that be the OEMs as well as the providers of all of the various software technologies can adapt to the changing nature of work as we make our way through and out of the pandemic on the other side of this. And there’s so many things happening and changing in that world. I’m just curious about everybody’s thoughts there. So let’s start off with where we began in terms of before the the novel coronavirus, SARS co v2 really came about how were How do you feel like you were using technology? And how do you feel like most people around you were using mobile technology, Augusto Pinaud 1:45it is interesting to see the use of mobile productivity. And not only it’s easy to discuss how this has evolved over time, but more interesting how it is almost really clear that three stages into since we are starting this pandemic in March, you know the pre the pre pandemics. So before we were all sent into our new offices and at home and not being able to get out an old dad, the earliest stages of the pandemic where there was this component of uncertainty, but now we were at home, but we have all these mobile technology that we were not using,