Syscon differed from RingCORE in many ways, but this one wasn’t mentioned explicitly in the book: the presence and absence of a forward-thinking Training and Development Division.
When Bill visited RingCORE HR Labs, he discovered that a lot of what he took for granted didn’t happen by mistake: it was the result of years of steady, conscious effort. This realization applies in many ways to what we know about personal productivity on a corporate level.
As a Training and Development professional, you may have come to this page with a commitment to bring the principles lived by the Beta team members to your company. You may even want to transform your company – and “be like Bill.”
Here are a few resources that might help:
Blog Posts on Time Management Training
The MyTimeDesign website touches on issues that you’ll need to consider. Not as a person who directly trains others, but as someone who must think about the big picture: how to develop your staff through a series of interventions designed to cause an improvement in their time management skills. One example of the posts on that site is How to Put Together Effective Time Management Training.
You’ll find that I attempt to tackle the subject based on my experience, using ideas that normally aren’t shared in public by those who are experienced consultants, trainers, coaches and professional organizers.
Train the Trainer
If your company would benefit from having staff members who are trained to deliver the kind of time management and productivity training that we deliver, then you might consider our Baby Steps Training. The live program is immediately available and was delivered in whole at the Institute for Challenging Disorganization’s (ICD) Annual Conference. We are developing an online version to cover the same material. Both programs feature their own particular ladders of skills, plus a slew of important distinctions for time management advisers. For more information about the live program, contact me, and in the meantime, enjoy the following article: Where Do You Learn to be a Time Management Coach?
Live Training
We have delivered live time management and productivity training to hundreds of participants around the world. The NewHabits Foundations program is a one day training that takes participants through all the planning that’s needed to upgrade the 7 Essential Fundamentals over a 2 year period. (A 2-day version takes them through all 11 Fundamentals.) For more information about conducting this workshop within your company, contact me.
Speaking Events
In May 2013, I spoke at at the American Society of Training and Development International Conference and Exposition. My topic was “How to Stop Failing at Behavior Change Training: The Case of Time Management.” For more information on the content of the speech and to view the handouts, click here for information.
Corporate Interventions/$
In The Bill Book, G’s intervention with the failing Beta team made a profound difference, and it supported the role that Bill played as team leader. It was a custom-designed activity that tightly fit their needs. Success came because he was willing to invent something new to fix the urgent problem that presented itself.
This is a good summary of the way we work with companies here at Framework Consulting. For the past twenty years, we have assembled custom projects to meet specific needs, with a willingness to throw out all that we think should work for what actually does. This requires a longer period of diagnosis than most clients expect but they are happier to see the results, which always involve a collaborative effort.
Contact me for more information to learn how we can use our process of Co-Diagnosis, Co-Design and Co-Delivery to help your company face a productivity challenge.