There are a number of places on the Internet individuals just like you are discussing the latest ideas related to time-based productivity. (Some of them were set up by me.) On this page, I hope to capture the most interesting and compelling conversations, providing you with a shortcut to stimulating ideas that help keep you up to date and current on the latest research and thinking.
The main destination is our private community – Mighty-Taskers.
We also have groups on Linkedin and Facebook, but these are becoming increasingly inactive.
Other Groups
There are a number of other forums and communities on the internet.
Productivity Management and Improvement –
GTD/Linkedin –
Mark Forster –
David Allen Company Forums –
Q&A Sites
Some sites are built as venues for folks to ask and answer questions.
Time Management sub-reddit –
Productivity sub-reddit –
Here is a link to all my answers on Quora. They are all related to the topic of time-based productivity.