Can Time Be Managed?


In my books, I have raised the following questions: Can Time Be Managed? Does Time Management Exist? Is the Phrase “Time Management” a Misnomer?

These are more than esoteric issues.

Each year, people invest millions of dollars, hundreds of hours and  thousands of research pages on this niche. More often than not, they ignore the question. A few acknowledge it with a wave of the hand, usually answering it with a short quote, retort or nifty replacement.

Up until now, no-one has labored to answer it.

This special, free report may be a one-of-a-kind – the first attempt to tackle the question from multiple angles, using the lens of a variety of disciplines.

Join me as I explore them all and prepare to be challenged with findings that challenge your everyday use of common words and concepts.

Download your complimentary copy below.

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